We recommend using Classic Cottonwash for all our bed linen and bed sheets in 100% cotton.

    Classic Cottonwash is a specially developed detergent containing high concentrations of the Celluzyme enzyme from Novo Nordisk. Use for washing 100% cotton, mixed cotton, viscose and modal. Rinsers are not necessary. New and older cotton materials are significantly improved when using Classic Cottonwash. 

    Classic Cottonwash is a highly effective concentrated product. Contains no bleach or toxicant. Phosphate free. Biodegradable. Not tested on animals.

We recommend using Classic Cottonwash for all our bed linen and bed sheets in 100% cotton.

Classic Cottonwash is a specially developed detergent containing high concentrations of the Celluzyme enzyme from Novo Nordisk. Use for washing 100% cotton, mixed cotton, viscose and modal. Rinsers are not necessary. New and older cotton materials are significantly improved when using Classic Cottonwash.

Classic Cottonwash is a highly effective concentrated product. Contains no bleach or toxicant. Phosphate free. Biodegradable. Not tested on animals.


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